quarta-feira, 19 de março de 2014


The Recife Greeters are a group of pernambucanos who aim to share their unique knowledge of their homeland to help visitors appreciate FOR FREE some fascinating parts of Recife, Olinda and its amazing sorroundings they might otherwise not experience.
We want to give the tourists a very warm welcome to one of the greatest cities of Brazil. When you're new to it, a big city can sometimes feel like a daunting place to be, especially when you're off the beaten track. A Recife Greeter can help you feel at home and see the vibrant capital of Pernambuco through the eyes of someone who lives here.
We can show you round the neighbourhoods where we live and work, and introduce you to local specialities, attractions, parks and sidestreets. If you have a special interest we can match you with a Recife Greeter who shares your enthusiasm. So if you have a passion for local history, culture, architecture, sport arts or anything you can think of, let us know! 
Or you could let your visit unfold whichever way it will, take advantage of your Greeter's knowledge and experience and discover something fresh and new about Recife, Olinda and Pernambuco.
Send us an email right now to recifegreeters@gmail.com telling us where are you from, when are you planning to come to Recife and what kind of tourist you are, and prepare yourself to take advantage of THE BEST FREE TOUR of Pernambuco! We're prepared to receive and guide you through the city in English, Spanish or French, besides Portuguese, of course!

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